Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day

So, I'm a little late to the game...but Happy Father's Day! a little sidetracked somewhere in June. Anyways, wanted to share these personal pics- I hope you don't mind...

So least year, when I was just beginning to delve into the realm of photography (enter beautiful brown bed sheet as backdrop) I came up with this idea for a Father's Day shoot. See, I used to be a teacher and every year for Father's Day I'd bring in a button up, a tie, some funky "dad" hats, mustaches, glasses, etc. and have my students "dress up" as their dads. I'd take a picture, have the kids paste it to the front of some construction, and viola- best Father's Day card ever! Tears, every year I tell ya. I basically made a mental note to myself: "Do not forget this idea when you have kids one day".
Well many years later and wouldn't you know- that little mental note alarm went off in my brain and I was so excited to take this photo and give it to my husband for his first ever Father's Day. It was a hit (despite my less-than-stellar photog skills) and I vowed to do it again the next year.

Well, when my hubby opened up this year's picture he just about cried (...and it wasn't because he was impressed with my photography skill growth. j/k)  You see, even though he sees his girl every day- he keeps that original Father's Day picture on his desk at work. He looks at it all day, every day. In his head, our little girl is frozen in time in that picture. Seeing the picture this year, seeing how different, how grown she looks from the original pictures just brought him to tears. It was as if the whole year that had past came rushing forward to catch up with him. There she was, our little girl, pig-tails sprouted, sassy attitude and all. She wasn't a baby anymore. And although I know it breaks his heart, I know he'll replace the office picture with this new one. Because next year, when she looks even older, he'll look at this current one and wish she was this tiny still. Thus is the viscous cycle of "time".

So now, the only problem is that I need to somewhat stick to the original cheese-ball set-up every year. I figure, it's just for us- so let it be cheesy! It's not about the ugly backdrop and silly's about that adorable little miracle baby of ours...growing right before our eyes. She's pretty much amazing....We think so anyways!

So Happy Belated Father's Day to all of the amazing Daddies & Pop-pops  out there. I knew I married a keeper way back when and I loved him a lot, but it wasn't until I saw him with my daughter that I realized my love for this man would never be the same. Quin and I are pretty lucky ladies to have him in our lives. We love you, Ry!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I grew up on the east I'm a huge "seasons" girl. I seriously love them all, for a million different reasons. And it goes without saying that whatever season is coming up next becomes my new "favorite". What can I say? I love the change, the holidays, the anticipation...
Well, this weekend was the first time it really started to feel like summer around here (and it had nothing to do with the 90+ degree weather, I promise). We swam all day, ate dinner on patios, and Q had her first experience with the ice cream truck. It was heaven. I think it's safe to say that summer is my absolute favorite season of all.
...for now.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


If you followed the thread on our facebook page regarding resizing and uploading images to the web, this may be helpful for you. Both images were saved with the same editing, both at 960/640, 300dpi, one as jpeg, the other as png, using MCP Facebook Fix resize and sharpening actions.
 What's your preference? I know mine...


Friday, June 7, 2013


...and the livin's easy.

Another day, another blog submission! I love monthly challenges and this one is over at Rock the Shot. Be sure to check out their amazing summer submissions! :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Going on a Bug Hunt...

...aka making "location scouting" for mama, fun for everyone. 

At least she found a big hairy caterpillar towards the end.
And mama found some amazing light.
It was a win-win. 

And of course, a bathie is a must after trekking through the bug-ridden outdoors.
I super nature-y, can't you tell?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

In the Distance

Taking some time off from my editing marathon to have a bit of "me time".

In photographer language, 
"me time" = me sitting at my computer with a glass of wine, scoping out and submitting images to my favorite blogs and websites! ;)

Anyways, I Heart Faces is having their monthly photo contest and the theme is... I bet you can figure out that part out.

So here is my submission.

This photo of Q and my brother was taken during our family vacation to St. Thomas last month. For those of you who don't know my full family background (...why not?!) ;) My brother lives in England and wasn't going to be able to make the trip. It would've been our first family trip without would have meant a 7-month span between visits with his niece. Well, my clever mama, she smuggled him right onto a flight and surprised all of us. I'm pretty sure I screamed out loud when I arrived on the beach and Dan walked up from the bar, Corona in hand. Shortly after our hugs (and tears) he took his "favorite gal" out onto the pier for some QT. They kind of love each other. 
How could I resist..?

*The clouds are the real deal, peeps. Pretty incredible, St. Thomas is.

Be sure to stop by their page and check out the other unbelievable entries.

Photo Challenge Submission

Image submitted to "In The Distance" photo challenge at i heart faces.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

"...the land of the free, and the home of the brave."
Happy Memorial Day, friends. I hope you all have a wonderful day surrounded by your family and friends- remembering those who gave theirs lives to keep ours safe. xo-J

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The D Family

 One of the best parts about the photography business is when your repeat clients become like friends. I just love watching the kids grow and change over time, and of course it doesn't hurt to have an excuse to see each other every few months!
I met this sweet family for the first time about 8 months ago, when the sweet Mr. B became a big brother! I can't believe how quickly time flew by and how much these two boys have changed! 
Mr. B and his ridiculously cute baby brother were two of the happiest and most well-behaved boys I've had the pleasure of working with. 
Sweet Baby F just smiled and drooled at me the entire time and Mr. B and I excitedly discussed the plans for his upcoming "Red" themed birthday party. 
(He's the cutest!)
Needless to say, we had a blast.
It was so great catching up with you, D Family.
Your family is precious to the max.
xo -j

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ava's Lemonade Stand

When this little lady's Mama approached me about doing a Lemonade Stand Shoot for her daughter's 2nd birthday pictures I was super excited!  
 (You all know how I love me a good stylized shoot)
So, I crafted away, raided the prop garage and crossed my fingers that this little girly liked lemons!!
We were in luck!
Not only was this curly redhead A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E....
but she couldn't get enough of her special sugary drink.

 I believe I literally turned to mom at one point as we were "packing up" 
(aka: mom packing, me continuing to shoot) 
and said,
 "I'm going to need you to take your child and put her in the car now
...or I'm just going to keep shooting". 

 I literally couldn't stop!

Happy Birthday you adorable little mop-top, you! 
I hope your lemonade was as sweet as you!

Feel free to like, share, pin or leave a comment.'s nice to know you were here!

© JJM Photography